Saturday, January 9, 2016

Becoming a Bone Marrow Donor

When Kaitlin was diagnosed with leukemia, they ran a blood test on my brothers and I right away. They wanted to see if our blood type matched hers. If it did we would be able to not only donate blood for the many blood transfusions she had, but also donate bone marrow if she ever needed a bone marrow transplant. I may have been a mere eleven years old, but I was excited at the thought of matching Kaitlin. If I were to match her, I would no longer have to sit idly by while she was poked and prodded to no end. I felt as though if I were able to give her blood and bone marrow, I would be helping more than I was by just being there. A few days after they drew the blood, the results came back- None of us matched her. Ironically enough my little brother and I came back as EXACT matches. I was so upset. The dream of being able to be more than support was suddenly crushed, but it also got me thinking about all of the other siblings who were going through this same thing. All of the siblings who had hoped so much they would match, and then didn't. All of the families who were now having to rely on the generosity of strangers, to find a match for their daughter, son, maybe even parent. That's when I had an idea... Why not register on the national bone marrow registry?

At the time, I was too young to register since you have to be eighteen (and no even if you have a parent's consent you cannot register any earlier... trust me, I tried). So, I waited until I was old enough, and then registered on the national registry through an organization called Be the Match. Be the Match does so much wonderful work. Not only do they help to set up donors with patients, but they also provide support to the family of the patient, as well as raise money to go towards furthering medical research. Currently their registry has 12.5 million people on it, which seems like a lot, but seeing as approximately 318.9 million people live just here in the United States, I think it could be much higher. It doesn't take long to register as a donor- You can either find a local drive to go to, or have Be the Match send you a packet through the mail. All you have to do once you receive your packet/arrive at the local drive is swab the inside of your mouth with various q-tips, and then send them off to be tested. If you match someone, they will call you- Sometimes people go years before getting the call that they've been matched, and sometimes people go months. It all depends on if you match someone who is in need.

Also, I feel as though I should include this, so that you don't feel as though registering mean signing a Rumpelstiltskin-esque contract... If for any reason you decide that you no longer want to/are able to be on the registry, it is as easy as sending an email or making a phone call, to have your name removed. If you have any other questions about what all becoming a donor entails, head over to the Be the Match website. I can guarantee that you will find all of the answers to your questions there.

I hope that you really do consider joining. Like Dr. Seuss once said, "Unless someone like YOU cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." To you it may not seem like a big deal to register, but to that sibling who didn't match, or that parent who just wants to hear 'We've found a match,' so that they don't feel as through they are wasting anymore precious time waiting, or that patient who has spent weeks eagerly awaiting the day they receive what is most likely their best chance at seeing another birthday- it means SO MUCH. Don't doubt the impact that you as an individual can have on this world.

-Melissa P. Cooper

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Dallas, Texas

Even though I have grown up in suburbs that sit just an hours' drive outside of downtown Dallas, I have surprisingly not spent much time in Dallas. Every so often we'll go down there to see a concert at the American Airlines Center, or go to the Dallas Museum of Art, but we never spend large amounts of time down there exploring- so, when I had the opportunity to tag along with my mom to stay in a hotel that sits right in the center of downtown Dallas, the night before the Christmas parade (which you can read all about here) I was thrilled! I don't remember exactly how many stories up we were, I think we were sat on the tenth floor, but I do remember that we were high enough up that the cars and people looked the size of ants.

Our room had a balcony, which looked directly out to some of my favorite buildings in Dallas' famous skyline- Reunion Tower, the Green Building, and the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge. I have really only ever seen these buildings from far away when we're driving on the highway, so to suddenly be at eye level with them was crazy. They seemed even taller, that close up! I took a bunch of pictures that night, which I thought I would share with you now...

My mom and I

When I came back in from taking these pictures, my hands were absolutely frozen (despite wearing gloves) due to how cold the wind was, but it was definitely worth it. The view was breathtaking- I could have sat out on that balcony for hours.

-Melissa P. Cooper

Saturday, January 2, 2016

My 2016 New Year's Resolutions

Another year has come and gone, and here I am once again putting together a list of things I hope to accomplish in the new year. I am always wary when it comes to setting new year's resolutions, due to the fact that I have only ever truly followed through with one of them, and that was to stop drinking soda (4 years and still going strong). Now though, looking back on resolutions I have set in previous years, I think my lack of motivation when it comes to sticking with these resolutions, mostly stems from the fact that I used to set such unrealistic expectations... Such as the typical- 'Exercising everyday for at least THREE HOURS.' Therefore, this year I have decided to set more realistic resolutions, that will hopefully help to make me a better person not just physically, but also emotionally.

1. DRINK MORE WATER. Although I drink a decent amount of water in a day, I still have room for improvement. The recommended amount you are supposed to drink daily is 64oz. and right now I typically only fill up my 32oz. water bottle once a day. I am hoping that by the end of the year I will regularly be filling up my water bottle at least three times a day. Not only would this be beneficial for my kidneys (I drink way too much sweet tea), but also for my skin. I can always tell such a big difference in the way my skin looks and feels when I've drank a lot of water.

2. MAINTAIN MY HONORS GPA. I know that most people say that your GPA in college doesn't matter that much- That you should just worry about passing your classes, but I don't want to just pass. I want to excel. I have always been incredibly academically driven, and after being honors for the past two semesters, I have become addicted to the idea of graduating summa cum laude. That little sticker they put on your degree saying honors, and the extra tassels you get to wear across the stage on the day of your graduation may not mean that much to some, but to me they are a mark of validation for all of the hard work that I am putting into my schoolwork.

3. PUT MORE EFFORT INTO BEING SOCIAL. Although I want to do well in school, I would also like to try harder at making friends. For the past few semesters I have been so caught up in school work that I haven't taken the time to slow down, and get to know any of the other people in my classes. Although college is centered around the academic aspect, the social aspect can't be completely disregarded; therefore, I have set the goal to at least TRY to get to know the people in my classes. Maybe I'll even join a club.

4. WRITE MORE. Recently I read a quote that really resonated with me, and it was, "Stop wanting to be a writer more than you want to write." My dream is to one day publish a book that people all over the world love, but I think I have been so caught up in the dream of becoming a writer that I have completely forgotten to actually write. For so long I have thought that nothing was worth writing, unless it was as fantastical as books such as the Harry Potter series; and, although I do love (and by love I mean am obsessed with) the HP books I have recently realized that it is perfectly okay to write stories about ordinary things. I have been reading The Opposite of Loneliness by Marina Keegan, which is absolutely fantastic, and I have realized that although her stories aren't about far away places with magical beings, they are still just as wonderful; therefore, I am going to try writing more stories about the ordinary things in life that I know plenty about.

5. FOCUS MORE ON THE NOW. I am very much into planning out every aspect of my life. In fact, I pretty much have the next five years of my life mapped out. This can be great at times, such as when people ask me what I plan on doing after college- It's always nice to have a solid answer to questions like those, but sometimes I get so caught up in future plans that I forgot to make plans for the present. 

6. RUN A MARATHON. My little brother and I have been talking for quite awhile now about running a marathon, and I think that 2016 would be the perfect year to actually follow through with this. Not only would this be good for my health, but I also think that training with my brother would be hilarious. He is by far one of the funniest people that I know, and neither one of us have ever run a marathon so there wouldn't be any pressure to finish with a certain time. Plus, it's a great excuse to go somewhere fun like Disneyland (their Star Wars marathon could be interesting)!

I'm not sure that I will truly follow through with any of these, but I hope that I do. None of them are outlandish... I am definitely capable of following through with all of them, and I think that I would be much better off this time, next year, if I did. Have you set any resolutions for 2016? If so, I would love to hear what they are in the comment section below! It's always so interesting to hear what others hope the new year has in store for them.

P.S. Happy new year! I hope you enjoyed hearing what my resolutions are, as well as seeing some random pictures of mine from 2015. See you next time!

-Melissa P. Cooper